
Showing posts from November, 2024

Plants, Lights, and Humidity: More of All

We plant enthusiasts know the struggle: there’s always room for one more plant… or so we tell ourselves. Yet somehow, there’s never enough actual space. While my collection of gesneriads hasn’t grown significantly since the July Gesneriad Society Convention , the space they require definitely has, thanks to their thriving growth. For a while now, my light stands have been woefully overcrowded. I had a small bookshelf with 3-foot LED lights acting as a temporary fix, but it was clear I needed an upgrade. Last month, I finally ordered the materials for a second stand with 4-foot LEDs and it’s now all set up and ready for action. Awaiting the plants The first plants to move onto the new stand were those previously under the 3-foot LEDs. These had been receiving a bit less light, so I’ll be keeping a close eye on how they adjust. There are also some plants on my older stands that will to move to the new setup where I can lower the lights to be closer to the plants. An existing two-shelf en...