Nautilocalyx glandulifer - A Beautiful Foliage Display

Nautilocalyx glandulifer is an extremely attractive plant with dark purple-green leaves covered with purple hairs. The species is endemic to Ecuador. It seems to prefer lower light levels and high humidity.

I've been growing this species since obtaining a cutting in July 2023. The stems root easily and it's a moderately fast grower. I grow this plant wicked in my usual three-part potting mix. It is subject to getting dry edges on the foliage in my conditions. It would likely do even better growing enclosed, if I had a large enough container.

Nautilocalyx glandulifer

N. glandulifer is a spreading, semi-trailing stems. My main plant, though still in a 4" pot, now covers almost an entire plant tray on the shelf. The leaves are arranged in alternate pairs. Usually.

Alternate leaf pairs

As I said, usually. One stem on my plant exhibits the leaves in whorls of three.

Leaves of three

The anomalous leaf pattern has been stable since I first noticed it last fall. I have not tried propagating that lone stem. I do wonder if cutting it back would encourage it to branch into multiple stems with the same arrangement.

I exhibited this plant in the 2024 Gesneriad Society convention flower show. That report is here.

There are many Nautilocalyx with attractive foliage. Fewer are grown for their blooms, though the flowers are often large and brightly colored. Many require high humidity. I am growing a number of species currently and am still working on figuring the best growing method for my conditions. 
