Watering: To Wick or Not To Wick
When we started ramping up our return to gesneriad growing in early 2023, one of the major concerns was keeping the plant collection watered while we were away. Since travel plans also are ramping up in retirement, this was a source of consternation. I started investigating wick watering, a technique used by many growers with much success. Helpful correspondence with other enthusiasts, as well as reviewing back issues of the Gesneriad Journal provide much information. I decided to give it a go. I went "all in" and nearly all the plants I acquired were put on wicks from the start. Early Wicking Setup For the wicking material, I used acrylic yarn as recommended. The yarn was thoroughly wetted before using and extended up through most of the pot. I purchased a large number of predrilled reservoir containers. Over the next 18 months I experimented with the length of wicking inserted in the pot, and even the number of wicks used based on pot size. I made minor adjustments to my po...