Sinningia 'Judy Becker'

I was lucky enough to win a small plant of Sinningia 'Judy Becker' during the live auction at the 2023 Gesneriad Society Convention in Richmond, VA. There was a stunning entry of the plant exhibited by Dee Stewart in the flower show that year, and the auction plant was a propagation from that plant.

Sinningia 'Judy Becker" is a cross of S. bullata and S. tubiflora created by Dave Zaitlin. As was apparent by the awarded plant in the show, the plant can develop into a large display. After a little over a year, my plants remain a manageable size under lights.

Sinningia 'Judy Becker' (4.5 inch pot)

I find the plant to be easy to propagate. I've taken stems cuttings as the last bloom fades and root them in my usual potting mix. They quickly develop tubers and new blooming stems almost without pause. I'm growing a total of four plants now.

Sinningia 'Judy Becker'

My original tuber is distorting its 4" pot now. I'm thinking about moving it to a bonsai-style pot exposing the tuber even further. Finding room to grow a large remains the issue though.

Dee Stewart's 2023 Award Winning Plant
